
 admin   2024-02-06 18:30   45 人阅读  0 条评论

vlog县城的天气案 我希望天气会好转 I hope the weather will improve. I hope the weather will get better. I hope the weather will take a turn for the better. I hope the weather will change for the

男子自愿为对手接骨疗伤案 你好! 但愿明天将有个好天气 I wish there would be a fine day tomorrow

没那么简单合拍歌曲案 正式一点的i hope the weather next week will be nice.

北京天气预告查询案 all expecting

贵州纳雍天气预警案 lovely是形容词哦,比较特殊的一个词呢,并不是所有后面带ly的都是副词

不能改变战场天气案 The weather is fine.或 It's a fine day.

天蝎座这么绝情案 Fine weather 或者 It's a nice day!

广西旅游必去十大景点排名案 fine day 说天气一般都是说day,是说怎么样的天,就是指天气

快乐慢慢被吞噬I hope/wish tomorrow's weather will be fine/nice as well as today's. 翻译出错了。 I hope/wish tomorrow's weather will be as fine as today's.


一起吹晚风ic案 翻译如下 我也期待明天会有好天气 I'm expecting good weather tomorrow, too

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